
What First Amendment?

If they didn't want the choice they shouldn't have committed the crime (in a town of religious nut-jobs).

So Alabama moves ahead in the ongoing race for Dumbest state in the country again. Low hanging fruit joke follows: I wonder how the judge would react if you asked for the nearest mosque?


No Condoms, No Prob- Whoops, Guess Not

Pray that fetus away! Now, Texas has lost quite a bit in the the stupid race, what with Arizona and Alabama running (red)neck and neck to be the most racist state in the country, but they're a pretty invincible contender for the bronze.

Texas lawmakers cut sex ed from two six-month courses to a single unit of "abstinence only" education. But early indications showed that the program wasn't working. In fact, teens in almost all high school grades were having more sex after undergoing the abstinence only program. By 2007, Texas had the highest teen birth rate in the nation.

At least that teen mom show on MTV won't run out of stars.


Dirt Burns, You See

No John, it doesn't. Yes, despite being hundreds of miles away from the border, the fires in Arizona must have been caused by illegals. I feel sorry for the GOP (not really). First Reagan's Alzheimer's, now McCain's.

For anybody not from Arizona, anything south of Phoenix is a wasteland of dirt fields and scrub brush which would catch fire in much the same way a pile of gravel does.


Next Up, Privatized Courts

A lawsuit? For you? Heh. Guess the LOLbertarians win another one. Congrats assholes, enjoy your corporate oligarchy.


Ef The Poor. No, Seriously, Really Ef Them. Hard.

Look, we're just trying to find reasonable ways to cut the budget. After all it's not like we're turning around and giving tax cuts to corporations or anything.

Oh wait, we are. Eh, fuck you, what are you gonna do about it? Pay for lobbyists with food stamps?



Why Do You Hate My Boner?

Having solved the budget crisis (rolled on the floor screaming and crying until they got their way), Rethuglicans continue the good fight against pornography.



Shooting fish in a barrel?

Is a Scott Walker post too easy? Low hanging fruit? Yes to all three, but why not.

I wish I was rich enough for my dad to buy me a fake job with a state government.

Hey guys, not sure if you were aware, but Robocop was satire

What Would OCP Do?

Mesa, Arizona, has decided to outsource some of their detective work to private investigators. Can't wait for Blackwater, I mean, XE to take over their SWAT team.


I've decided that the US has some of the stupidest people on earth for citizens, so I started a blog to showcase the best and brightest the dumbest mother fuckers you've ever seen.

Whether a twisted view of the world due to a moronic ideology, one or more of the deadly sins taken to an extreme, or just outright dumbshit-ness, this blog will have it all.
